The Art of Sales Seductio
価格:712 円(税込)
The Lost "Money Secrets" of a Dead Salesman <p>We all know that the sales profession is hard work. The rejection can be brutal. <p> Fifty years ago, it was even worse. That was when being a salesman meant day after day of pounding the pavement and knocking on doors-- literally. <p> The things we take for granted today, such as mobile phones, email, conference calls, and computerized databases, didn't exist. Fifty years ago, everything about sales was methodical and slow... <p> So you can bet when a salesman from that time had an opportunity to close the deal, he took full advantage of it... If he didn't, he was back on the street...with nothing to show for his hard work. <p> Think you've got it rough? Imagine driving back to the office to report your daily sales, after being a car without air conditioning, wearing a soaking wet suit and tie. <p> Needless to wasn't the best way to end a day. And because of this... <p> These Salesmen Got Good...Fast! <p> And now you can too! <p> In your hands is a classic sales manual that has everything you need to know about sales, directly from a man who was there fifty years ago and lived to tell the tale of what made him successful. <p> Everything within this book still applies...even more today than ever. And you'll get it in its unfiltered original state-- not watered down with "theory" or anything else of the sort. <p> This book is what works in real-life, not just examples from the sales training room. <p> Here's just a few of the things you'll learn: <p> - The 20 success attributes you must have to make big money selling <br> - How to use a 2000 year-old sales secret so powerful, it was taught by Jesus! <br> - What Thomas Edison did to sell anything anywhere! (Even something everybody already had!) <br> - And much more... <p> Everything you need to know about making money in sales is in this book!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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